Our construction organization has a deep commitment to the health and safety of employees in the field and to safeguard the environment. Konstra’s construction expertise is evident.
The design-build method of executing major capital projects is increasingly being used to shorten delivery schedules and optimize capital as well as operations and maintenance costs.
Konstra has a quality program that has been ISO 9001 certified. A quality manager is assigned to each project and is responsible for the implementation and coordination of the quality programme google.
Build the project schedule by listing, in order, all the tasks that must be completed. Some must be done sequentially while others can overlap or be done in tandem. Assign a duration to each task.
A successful project manager must effectively manage the resources assigned to the project, including members of the project team, vendor staff, and subcontractors.
The project scope is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budgets of time and money that have been created to achieve these objectives. Any change to the scope of the project must have a matching change in budget, time, resources, or all three.
As the construction manager on a project, Konstra secures labor through carefully selected subcontractors with a proven history of safety performance, execution excellence and commercial success.
The first real step in constructing a project is a pre-design phase or planning phase. The pre-design phase involves defining a project’s requirements: what its function(s) will be, how much it should cost, where it will be located, and any legal requirements it must comply with.
The architect works first with the owner to decide on the broad strokes of the design and then increasingly closely with the other members of the design team to flesh out the structure’s design in accordance with requirements.
Along with these bidding documents, they include instructions on how to submit bids, a sample of the contract agreement, and financial and technical requirements for contractors.
The contract documents encompass the bidding documents, which now function as a legal contract between owner and contractor. Contracts can follow a number of models, depending on how complete the construction design is and how the owner and contractor bear risks
When the builder comes close to finishing a structure, the contractor requests the architect perform a substantial completion inspection in which the architect verifies the near-complete status of the project.
In this important first step you are attempting to identify and agree on a number of critical elements which will be included in the project charter. For example, you need to:
Using this model, the RT will develop an assessment plan that:
The RT is now ready to execute the Assessment Plan, which has three main areas of focus:
Given the dynamics of the situation, the plan developed for a troubled project is not similar to a plan for a new project. There are many key differences, many of which are listed below. Simply put, a project plan for a troubled project:
At the end of each week, the inchstone plan will be updated and the RT will: